The CONIX Center’s research agenda is broad and ambitious, spanning architectures, components, services, security, and privacy, all of which combine into three demonstrator applications. The center’s mission is to develop the architecture consisting of APIs and protocols that allow system designers to operate on all resources in a system in an abstract manner like that used by modern data centers. This requires an interdisciplinary and cross-cutting approach that extends from new programming paradigms at the top, all the way down to platforms that support in-network computation. To cope with dynamics and scale, the system needs to be sufficiently autonomous using machine learning and cognitive approaches to build resilience and to self-optimize.
JUMP e-Workshop: “Towards Capturing Reality: Scenes and 3D People” presented by Angjoo Kanazawa (Berkeley)
10.12.22 ‐ 10.13.22
CONIX Fifth Annual Review (CMU)
JUMP e-Workshop: “Accelerating Input-Dependent Stream Processing by FPGA” presented by James Hoe (CMU)
JUMP e-Workshop: “Enabling a Rich and Trustworthy Nexus of AI and IoT” presented by Mani Srivastava (UCLA)
JUMP e-Workshop: “Buildings as a Platform for Human-Centered Services” presented by Rajesh Gupta (UCSD)